Inject Frida inside an ipa file

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Hello dear friends and welcome back for another mobile security blog, today I’ll show you how to inject frida inside an ipa application.

So for todo that we need to install some tools:

iOS Deploy

  • brew install node
  • npm install -g ios-deploy

If you want to know more about this tool visit the official github page.


  • pip3 install objection

If you want to know more about this tool visit the official github page.


The first thing we have to  check our codesigning signatures that are available

  • security find-identity -p codesigning -v

Then use objection to inject and resign the application with our certificate

  • objection patchipa –source ./AppName.ipa –codesign-signature YOURCODESIGN

Finally upload the newly signed app with ios-deploy

  • ios-deploy –bundle AppName-codesigned.ipa -W -d

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